Sunday, 28 January 2024

 Deck pieces cut, cockpit pieces cut, hard dodger v1.05

The interior is almost complete, the bunks need to be glued in and the watertight hatches need to be coated  

There was a break in the rain, so a lot of parts were cut out, and are now ready for epoxy coating. The deck panels , bow panels and parts for the cockpit were cut out - those of you who know the design will see a modification to the cockpit, it is  to create a smaller cockpit, increase the volume of   foam floatation but most importantly it will make use of the dead area under the tiller, on my previous boat my liferaft was stored under the tiller. I have run drawings of this modification past the designer and he said that the modification is within the changes allowed within the rules of the Setka Atlantic Challenge. FYI the cockpit will still have the same amount/size of drainage.

there will not be any "verandah" overhang at the aft edge of the deck
 it will be cut flush with the companionway bulkhead

and below you can see my rough mock up design for the hard dodger , for my last boat I built a really nice hard dodger and for me it is now  the most essential thing on a boat 

- this is CagarroDodger V1.05 

- the next version will have more of a hard chine shape and some angles will change to keep it more in the same design language of the hull and deck -( I think this one is too boxy), 

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