Saturday, 18 March 2023

 finalising frames and bulkheads

The last 2 days have been a marathon of sanding and routing ,round overs of the frames where they will come into body contact and where there may be a glass epoxy reinforcement, I have also rounded over the frames in the stern area where there is going to be positive flotation, and also various fastenings that may need attention at some later stage and so rounding over these areas allows access without damaging any body parts in the process

 - it is much easier to do round overs once the frames are assembled in my opinion, as long as you know the technique, my hints and tips will all be assembled in one post , so If you would like that info leave a comment , there are many areas of frames that are not rounded over as other ply pieces attach to them, the gussets have also been softened where neccesary


rounded over frame and sanded fillet

rounded over frame , and gusset that has not had its edges softened yet

in progress frame, with completed frames in the background

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