Thursday, 30 March 2023

 No building the last few days, Back soon

Busy at the moment with a project for a friends house,
to be done before the shop becomes too full of boat stuff

Back soon!

Monday, 27 March 2023

 Rudder shaping complete

after getting one side perfect and the other side close using a template of the correct foil shape, I made a tracing of the good sides ply contours and replicated them on the close as side. result is two sides are the same shape and now a little smoothing is needed

Sunday, 26 March 2023

 rudder shaping continues

continuing on with rudder shaping, it is looking good, 

Saturday, 25 March 2023

 Rudder shaping in progress

the rudder has been roughly shaped and will be finely finished tomorrow

Wednesday, 22 March 2023

 Foil shaping starts

a start was made on the foil shaping and it should all go a bit smoother tomorrow

Really impressed with this Allin Plywood.

Tuesday, 21 March 2023

Tomorrow the foil shaping starts

and a pic of the completed D bulkhead

Sunday, 19 March 2023

Transom foils

Today a start was made on the two transom Foils - glued up 2 of the 3 layers, 
tomorrow the 3rd layer goes on 

Saturday, 18 March 2023

 finalising frames and bulkheads

The last 2 days have been a marathon of sanding and routing ,round overs of the frames where they will come into body contact and where there may be a glass epoxy reinforcement, I have also rounded over the frames in the stern area where there is going to be positive flotation, and also various fastenings that may need attention at some later stage and so rounding over these areas allows access without damaging any body parts in the process

 - it is much easier to do round overs once the frames are assembled in my opinion, as long as you know the technique, my hints and tips will all be assembled in one post , so If you would like that info leave a comment , there are many areas of frames that are not rounded over as other ply pieces attach to them, the gussets have also been softened where neccesary


rounded over frame and sanded fillet

rounded over frame , and gusset that has not had its edges softened yet

in progress frame, with completed frames in the background

Thursday, 16 March 2023

 Final gussets and frames on bulkhead B

Today the final gussets and framing for bulkhead B was glued up

Wednesday, 15 March 2023

Tuesday, 14 March 2023

 Rudder glue-up and frame A support

Today the rudder was glued up all the layers are now unified - next rudder step is rudder shaping. 

also the batten to support the cockpit floor was glued to Frame A

Monday, 13 March 2023

 Rudder Transom and clean up all frames

Today the remaining 2 pieces of the rudder were glued-up - tomorrow the 2 pieces each of 2 pieces will be glued together, so in total 4 layers of ply in the rudders,

also 2 small backing blocks were glued in the transom, not totally needed but was in the plans for the centreboard version, 2 little blocks  of extra, stiffness and strength.

 and ALL the frames were cleaned up so that the plywood bulkheads are flush with the frames,

 just a few pieces of framing to glue onto the companionway bulkhead and the A frame for a cockpit floor support and then all frame/bulkheads are complete

- till tomorrow  - 
até amanhã

Saturday, 11 March 2023

 Rudder Glue-up

Today 2 pieces of the rudder were glued - up ,
first the ply was saturated with epoxy then a high strength glue mix was added
and they were clamped up.

Rudder ready for glue up 

today the rudder dimensions were double checked and checked again, then a master was cut out and 3 more rudder pieces were duplicated, then they were abraded in preparation for glue up.

Thursday, 9 March 2023

Transom Plating glued and filleted,
and Rudder blade in progress

Wednesday, 8 March 2023

 Frame B bulkhead glued and filleted, Transom prepped for gluing in the am.

Goodnight! até amanhã

 A lot happened in the shop over 2 days

Frame B had the framing for the companionway added, then it was cleaned up today so that the ply bulkhead could be drawn and cut out, a  decision was made on the companionway entry and the curves were drawn for the quarter berth entry

Frame A was cleaned up so that it could be used to draw the plywood bulkhead,
then it was glued to the frame and filleted

Assistance in the workshop meant that you get to see some more in progress pictures.

Sunday, 5 March 2023

 Bulkhead D Complete

Today the plywood bulkhead was glued and 

filleted to the frame D, using a high density filleting mix

Saturday, 4 March 2023

Friday, 3 March 2023

 Frame B and Transom glued up

Pre wetting out the end grain and the framing and the ply gussets with unthickend epoxy and then adding the correct fillers - fumed silica, west 403 and 404 to make a bonding adhesive and then gluing and then cleaning up really took a lot of time, so tomorrow the bulkheads of E and D will be glued, the bright side is all the framing is done.

 The Keel The keel was professionally welded and Zinc Coated By Joao and Vera from Serralharia Central Horta - two of the most caring, organ...