Wednesday, 29 November 2023

 Deck beam and combined handrail

I have been working on a combined deck strengthening beam and interior handrail that will make moving inside the boat safer and more secure while adding extra stiffness to the deck.

and in the "cargo" area there is the option to add webbing handhold straps , or use the holes as lashing points for a cargo net

also you can see the structural fillets I have made, I am really impressed with them they are really good imho even before they get a light sanding

fillets as made

and after a light sanding

Sunday, 19 November 2023

 intermediate deck beams glued and filleted in

the main cabin intermediate deck beam is glued and filleted in and has had a second gusset added as well as some 50mm x 22mm framing to carry forces and tie strongly to the sheerclamp 

the "cargo" area intermediate deck beam has had a single gusset and some 40mm x 22mm framing added as well as some structural filleting 

Thursday, 16 November 2023

 making the intermediate deck beams

today the deck beams were built and dryfitted - tomorrow they will be glued
and filleted in place

Wednesday, 15 November 2023

cabin side stringers

they have been glued in and filleted


The bow watertight flotation bulkhead hatch was also prepped and glued

Tuesday, 14 November 2023

 the second youtube video is up

the second episode haha if you can call a one-take no-edit only one pause , video an episode is available to view on youtube

there has been lots of preparation and small stuff being done to get the boat ready for a big epoxy glue up

Friday, 10 November 2023

Wednesday, 8 November 2023

 Cockpit and Coachroof/ Deck framing

framing of these areas in progress

Thursday, 2 November 2023

 Final fillets on bow  compartment, "cargo compartment and filling some gussets

lots of sanding done and some fillets done in the bow compartment, mainly on the horizontal bulkhead I added to keep the stringers from flexing, 

fillets on the cargo compartment divider

and filler blocks and epoxy added to 2 of the four places water can collect on the frame gussets,

these had to be done before the aft bunk support cleat was added (also done today) because then the block of filler wood could not fit into the space between the bulkhead and the gusset, because the cleat would block access -  two more to do on the transom, but they will be done when the cockpit is enclosed.

 The Keel The keel was professionally welded and Zinc Coated By Joao and Vera from Serralharia Central Horta - two of the most caring, organ...