Friday, 16 February 2024

 Bow deck, fillets, and a MC Escher stitch and glue sculpture

Today I glued the 2 bow deck pieces using a "Herb Payson" (think he was the "inventor") type fibreglass butt joint - I have never used one before but thought I would try it because it will actually butt against the central U beam in the bow compartment, so I am not worried about its strength or possible lack of strength, but what it should do is help with creating a fair curve which would have been difficult with 2 separate pieces (I used some offcuts as I have ideas for my remaining ply sheets)

then I finished up some fillets under the deck, and lightly sanded some from yesterdays work

and got to work on my MC Escher stitch and glue ply sculpture 😊😊😊😊😊😊

and got to drink a few beers - btw, that big chunk of stainless is for my rudder fittings

Thursday, 15 February 2024

 TEASER! one side of the deck is on,
check back soon for the full deck reveal

 NMEA connections and the low power interior lights Just some futher pictures from the last few weeks all the NMEA connections are contained...