Monday, 18 November 2024

 NMEA connections and the low power interior lights

Just some futher pictures from the last few weeks

all the NMEA connections are contained in a water resistant box, I have made access to all the wiring as super accessible as possible to enable troubleshooting and any needed repairs to be carried out quickly and simply, the fuse box has a flip open door that allows easy access to all fuses and connections  and the AIS GPS Chartplotter and VHF-GPS interface Electronics connections are all in the grey plastic box.
I have opted to go with stand alone AIS as it offers better redundancy than an all in one unit -IMHO

and here is my DIY low power 60mA  -  0.06A  lighting system inside the boat
 I am very happy with it -  there is a red version and a white version, that can be switched between each other using a ON OFF ON toggle switch - on the power/fuse box.

I also have a really bright LED dome light  on its own toggle switch for the main cabin as an option,though this uses significantly more power, and there is also another option of medium power draw lights in the bow cargo compartment and under the cockpit seats - and of course also a backup headtorch

and here is Toblerone in all his wide angle beauty


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