Monday, 30 October 2023

 Other side bunk tops cut out and floor panel cut

the bunk tops for the port side of the boat were cut out today , the first bunk tops for the starboard side were cut using this template

View from the bow "cargo" area

Starboard side looking forward

Port side looking forward

view from starboard side

view from port side

The floor panel still needs to be trimmed to length

 Glueing and filleting in the bunk supports for the other side, 
my process

The bunk supports are plumb, square and their positions are marked on the hullsides, there are triangular plywood "squarers " that are clamped to the bunksides to locate the supports during glueing

Unthickened epoxy is painted onto the support ensuring the end grain is well saturated, and also painted onto the hull side

Epoxy thickened with West 406 and west 403 is put on the glue joint, the mix is more 406 than 403

Then a mix of  west 406, 404 and 403 is added to the support where it contacts the keel bearers - as the structural glue, and the piece is glued in position

Below you can see the" structural" 
mix positioned in preparation for filleting

The support is then placed in position using the "squarers" for locating, and  the fillets are made using the structural glue mix.

Saturday, 28 October 2023

 Bonding in port side bunk support with Fillets, and dry fitting bunk top

The other bunk semi bulkheads for the port side are ready and will be fillet bonded tomorrow and the starboard bunk top further aft will be cut and dry fitted 

Wednesday, 25 October 2023

 Making bunk supports, cutting bow access hatch, and divider for the cargo compartment

Spent the day making templates and cutting out the supports for the bunks, and also a divider for the "cargo" area, in front of the mast bulkhead, decided to make a longitudinal divide as it then creates a strong backbone that ties the front crash flotation bulkhead and the mast compression post and bulkhead together. It also makes a divider so that stuff does not go sliding side to side depending on which  tack you are on, it is also at the same level as the 2 main bunks, and the port or starboard side will possibly get a top, maybe both will?

 Also cut the front collision flotation bulkhead access hatch, you can see the hatch cutouts leaning against the mast bulkhead, these will be made into sealing watertight hatches, later.

Tuesday, 24 October 2023

 Keel bearers filletted to bunk risers, mast compression post glued in, mast bulkhead access cut,
and some spots that needed filleting were also done, also access hatches are finalised

Monday, 23 October 2023

 Bunk risers glued and filleted

BTW the bits of wood on the keel bearers are to keep the bunk risers equidistant

added pics  after glue has cured without some of the bits of wood that helped to temporarily locate the bunk risers

Sunday, 22 October 2023

 Bunk Risers cut and dryfit

Templates were made for the bunk risers and they have now been dry fitted

Thursday, 19 October 2023

 Keel bearers glued and filleted in

The keel bearers were pre wet with unthickened epoxy and glued and filleted in using my own mix of West System 406 colloidal silica, 404 high Density filler, and 403 microfibers. 
for a description of the fillers and their uses see    West System fillers for more info

Bearers in main area

Bearer at the mast bulkhead,
 the mast compression post will be glued in later today or tomorrow

 The Keel The keel was professionally welded and Zinc Coated By Joao and Vera from Serralharia Central Horta - two of the most caring, organ...