Sunday, 25 June 2023

 the small things take big time

the last few days have been taken up with prepping the hull for glassing, rounding the edges so the glass lays down well, filling things that needed filling, removing screws and filling, filling in the relief cuts in the bow with a strong epoxy mix, fitting the stem, shaping the stem and rounding it, and cutting the stem shape

Thursday, 22 June 2023

 Gluing on the second layer
pics from the last week

here are some pics of putting on the second layer
l o o o o ts of screws,  l o o o ts of epoxy

and a guest appearance by the workshop elf

Tuesday, 20 June 2023

 Whisky plank done

Today the bottom planking was planed to shape so I can finally say whisky plank done
the stem cover plank will be glued on tomorrow. The hull is basically complete,
 no more wood needs to be added -  now it is glassing time!

and 7000 pageviews - thank you

Saturday, 17 June 2023

 Second layer of bottom ply glued on

Today the second layer of 10mm plwood was glued up 
 - there was a lot of epoxy mixing going on ......not many pictures

Wednesday, 14 June 2023

 First video of the Setka Cagarro build now on youtube

I have uploaded the first video of the build status at the moment to youtube - this is all very new to me, I am not aiming for movie kind of productions with slick edits and music and voiceovers. It is a one take, no edit description of what is happening. I am aiming to supplement the static nature of a blog with a video element, and will also add video of sailing the setka later- I am not interested in monetizing the the youtube channel, so there will not be any advertising on my youtube channel to disrupt anything - it is there for your enjoyment - hopefully 😊 😊 😊

i hope you have a look - thank you

Tuesday, 13 June 2023

 The 2 min boat tool

If you dont know about this boat building aid here it is 

just use a flat  piece of wood jointed square, and cut the hole on a bandsaw,
a jigsaw works but make sure the cut is square and true
and use it like this

and if you need a smaller one just cut a smaller hole

use it for cutting the ply sheeting and it also helps for marking to plane the progressive bevels on the stringers 

Sunday, 11 June 2023

 hull bottom glued on

cutting the bottom panels - it helps to use a new makita no. 2 blade

How do I keep motivated,  I just step outside my workshop and look at the view
 -  the sea is calling

greetings to you all - from the Açores

 The hull bottom panel in progress

the hull bottom panel the first sheet of 2500x1220x10 plywood on the bottom, 

this gives you a an idea of the beam of the boat

Sides on , sides planed  and butt blocks installed ,
Ready for the bottom panels

roughly cut and then planed

all planed smooth

Today the chine panels were planed down, this entailed removing the the stainless screws are they were above where the plane was cutting, and yes my plane cuts stainless screws, but only once, I had to do a major plane iron sharpening session, the buttblocks were cut , drilled countersunk and glued and screwed onto the joins, buttblock width 16 times the plywood thickness as per the Gougeon brothers book, I add buttblocks  after fitting the panels as it makes for a better  fair curve to the panels  - no flat spots, the panels when fitted had epoxy saturation on the end grain and were also edge butt glued, then later the butt blocks are glued with lots of thickened epoxy and also screwed.

butt blocks cut ready for drilling and countersinking

The hull panel join before being butt blocked, the backing plate for the shrouds ends up at this hull panel joint as well so the shroud backing plate has a big backing plate (the buttblock),shroud backing blocks are specced as being 2x10mm ply  - one layer (the buttblock) now one will be wider than on the drawing. so will give the shroud backing block a bigger  area to glue to.

The hull is now ready for the first layer of bottom ply, which will be cut tomorrow and fitted

Monday, 5 June 2023

 Marking the waterline

Remembering to mark the waterline while some of the marks on the frames are
still visible before they got covered with hull panels

Saturday, 3 June 2023


 The last few days were planking days

as the title says the last few days were taken up cutting the panels further aft and planking, it was a gluey process so sorry about lack of updates

 The Keel The keel was professionally welded and Zinc Coated By Joao and Vera from Serralharia Central Horta - two of the most caring, organ...