Sunday 9 April 2023

 keel drawing and cutting

Today the keel was drawn out onto the 12mm plate and cutting started.

 It was suprising that the Makita grinder cut it much easier than the Bosch grinder, both are 720w both run at 11000 rpm but it somehow felt and sounded like the Makita was running at slower rpm and it seemed to cut much easier, with less grabbing and less chattering. ???

So far 5 discs used

tomorrow the rest of the cuts will be made if there is time, socialising time tomorrow

Friday 7 April 2023

 Scarfs cut,and planning for keel cutting

Yesterday the scarfs were cut in preparation for glue up, and today some final shaping was done on the directional fins and rudder. and the workshop was prepped for the cutting of the steel plate, all this has to be done before the strongback is set up and the hull build begins as there will not be space to manhandle and cutand shape the 12mm steel keel plate.

Wednesday 5 April 2023

Back to boat work👍

Today the stringers were ripped out of boards, to size and tomorrow they will be scarfed together to create long stringers

  Working on rudder, Stainless, mast step, companionway hatch and lots of small things and of course sanding, and received my NEW epoxy good...