Tuesday, 17 October 2023
Sunday, 15 October 2023
the interior build begins - keel bearers
All the waterlines and centerlines were kept in place throughout the build so that it is simple to construct from them, rather than having to remark them as they get sanded off, even the waterline on the hull was remarked each time, and at the moment it is on the outside of the hull waiting till it is needed again.
The keel bearers are being measured and cut and fitted, you can see the centerlines on the bulkheads and the floor and also the makings for the bunk level and mast bulkhead cut outs as well , all these were thought about and roughly marked while the boat was upside down, now they need to be finalized. You can also see where the screw holes were filled with small dowels after removing the screws for gluing the hull bottom plates together, some holes were epoxy relief holes to allow excess epoxy to escape during the gluing process, this is also a good idea, because any air can escape and it also serves as an indicator that the whole panel is bonded (glue comes through the relief holes) and no "dry" or hollow areas are in between the panels. The keel bearers will be drilled for the mounting bolts and then glued in, using the centrelines, afterwards a template will be made for the keel plate mount, using the hull outside centreline (also drawn on under the boat) and these holes. IMHO the small amount of time to maintain these lines is a huge time and hassle saver as the build continues.
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