Monday, 15 July 2024

 Painting, Stainless, Composite rails, Electrics and lots of bits 

The hull had a second coat of red and the Cagarro has been sized for positioning, I have welded the rudder fittings and they came out great, if I say so myself - and the galley box had a coat of epoxy inside and under the lid, and the pushpits and pulpits had their feet added, electrics, leds, lights, and other bits have arrivedd and system is in planning, and my extra can of cream paint for the deck and cockpit has arrived, and lots of other small things have been sorted out.

Saturday, 6 July 2024

 More colour, 2nd coat yellow , and today 1st coat red

The deck and cockpit cream colour coat had a scotch brite rubdown, and the yellow was very light sanded with 320 and had its second coat, the red was the first coat

Thursday, 4 July 2024

 Painting - Colour goes on!

The deck colour is on and the first of the real COLOUR is on
 - the new banner was put up to give a hint as to how the hull will look.
yes red, yes yellow and yes with a shearwater (cagarro) 

my old wharram design and colour scheme should have been a clue as to my thinking on colour and Boat Nose Art - see the old post here

 NMEA connections and the low power interior lights Just some futher pictures from the last few weeks all the NMEA connections are contained...