Tuesday, 25 June 2024


painting has begun, the two coats of slightly thickened epoxy (I prefer epoxy rather than epoxy primer) have been washed and lightly wet abraded to remove any amine blush (if there was any), then degreased and painting has begun

Friday, 21 June 2024

Met Alan Mulholland and Wave Rover II 

Invited aboard Wave Rover II and met with Alan, 
Nice guy and a very well prepared and simple boat,
surprisingly spacious with some unique solutions and ideas

Great to meet a small boat adventurer.
He is bound for Baltimore -  Ireland
and we wish him fair winds on the "adventure he has forged"

Monday, 17 June 2024

 Epoxy, glass, foam core composite rails 

I had some DIAB foam core left over from projects so have built some composite rails, there are epoxy glass round plates that will be filleted and glassed to the feet, inox thread will be bonded into the bottom of the rail and the thread will exit the round plate and bolt through the deck, the pulpit will still get some additional triangulating legs and a bar in the front to combine the 2 sides into one, an interesting experiment, IMHO I always have found Stainless pulpits a bit bendy and slippery when wet  - these are Super Strong and the texture from the wound glass tape combined with flat glass give great  grip, the lightness is a bonus.

Tuesday, 11 June 2024

 A sailing day break, from building

there was supposed to be an around the island race today - 10 hours available to complete the race, but it was postponed until Saturday due to there being weak winds, we went sailing anyhow and managed to find some breeze

on the way to the boat there were some voyagers putting their mark on the wall according to tradition, or is it superstition?

Sunday, 9 June 2024

 Bow Plate, chainplate, plotter bracket, pulpit , pushpits, multifunction flexispace galley box/companionway step/cockpit cooker/cockpit table, and lots of small things have been happening while the double epoxy coat on the hull cures and offgases, so that priming and painting can begin

 The Keel The keel was professionally welded and Zinc Coated By Joao and Vera from Serralharia Central Horta - two of the most caring, organ...