Monday, 20 May 2024

 NathBoil v1.0

I bent and welded a stainless steel gimballed holder for my camping gaz cooker, 
that will go in the flexispace galley.
It uses the cheap disposable butane cartridges, much cheaper than the jetboil cartidges,
it works quite well if I say so myself.

 Prepped for priming and painting

Thursday, 16 May 2024

 ONWA navigation and communications equipment has arrived

The delivery arrived, and I am very pleased with the product and the communications between the ONWA Team. Many thanks to Kelvin and the ONWA Team for being a part of the unfolding adventures of Cagarro. There will be a feedback and specs video soon.

Wednesday, 15 May 2024

 Cockpit seats ready for painting, Zenbivy bed delivered

The Zenbivy bed arrived many thanks Katharina and the team - soon to be a video showing how it works but if you are impatient, have a look at youtube, especially those people that prefer a bed experience to a tight restrictive bag experience, I think this makes way more sense on a boat.

The cockpit seats got their final coats of epoxy (no microballoon putty was needed) and had a wash with water using a scotchbrite to remove any amine blush and scuff the surface ready for undercoating/painting, it did look very good clear finished though.

Sunday, 12 May 2024

 Working on rudder, Stainless, mast step, companionway hatch and lots of small things and of course sanding,
and received my NEW epoxy goodies order,
so it is all systems GO!

this mount for the new nav system needs to be a bit more substantial than my previous old boats one as seen below

The companionway hatch with glass added to the rim, it will get a polycarbonate window in it that allows the navigation system to be seen with the hatch closed - the window shape and size will be finalized soon

mast step base gluing

Friday, 3 May 2024

 Installing watertight bulkhead hatches

The watertight bulkhead hatches were installed, they will be loosely tightened down on the seal and will be able to be really tightly sealed if there is any collision. The reason they will be loosely sealed is that if they are really tight the air inside can expand or contract causing a pressure difference, depending on the temp and water temp. They will have blue Dow Corning wallmate roofmate foam inside for positive buoyancy.

This is the bow collision bulkhead, as built the bottom is well above the DWL, and the opening is big enough that I can get easily inside to do things, check things.the rear hatches are the same, I am able to reach easily inside to do, fix, check, and repair things.

 The Keel The keel was professionally welded and Zinc Coated By Joao and Vera from Serralharia Central Horta - two of the most caring, organ...