bunk access holes and framing, companionway cut and cockpit, various backing pads
We have had some rainy humid weather - virtually a month of it, and it may seem that progress has slowed but NO, lots of filleting and sanding of fillets, sanding of wood, and cutting and preparing pieces to be glued outside the hull but inside the shop once the humidity is back to normal has taken place, the little temp humidity device is excellent for keeping track of the conditions, Thank you Rosi - and in combo with the diesel air heater I can get the conditions inside the boat to 28 + degrees and humidity to + - 50 to 60 % you can see the temp tonight and humidity unheated in the boat on the meter.
bunk access hatch supports
the" humidity hen" is not happy
heating ducting

heatersome of the backing pads, these are for the outboard mount and chainplates

and the workshop elf visited a while ago - so I could get an idea of the space,
I fit inside the boat easily without bumping my head, but its nice to see how someone else inside it fits and looks