Friday, 29 December 2023

 Bow deck beam glued in, and deck doubler,
chainplate backing, warp/drouge chainplate backing,
outboard backing, fin backing glued and filleted in

bow beam at bow

bow beam at bulkhead E

doubler at mast bulkhead D

doubler at other stations

chainplate backing

warp chainplate backing at aft quarter

outboard backing incorporates fin backing on stbd side of transom

fin backing on port side of transom

the weather inside the boat -  the humidity hen is happy.
although outside the weather cock is chilly and probably not so smiley

Wednesday, 27 December 2023

Thursday, 21 December 2023

 Bow deck reinforcement for the added inner stay

I have added some bow reinforcement for the inner stay and for any foredeck cleats that may be added, Arkadiusz Pawelek (thank you Buddy) showed me how he had done his reinforcement for the inner so this is based on his solution, with of course my modifications

and the workshop elf came to tell me time to finish up -  we are going out to dinner

Wednesday, 20 December 2023

 Templates turned into cockpit parts

The templates were turned into cockpit parts,
 reassuringly they are the same port and starboard

 Cabin sides trimmed down and planed, fillets on cabin sides sanded, templates made for cockpit panels, and cockpit floor dry fitted

as you can see by the wet shop door, it was a cold-ish, windy, rainy day, 
however work moves forward

Monday, 18 December 2023

 Both cabin sides are on, cut notches for the deck buttblock/doubler,  dryfitted the scarfed buttblock

Toblerone checking out the Weird wooden box

It was a nice relaxing day, using mostly hand tools - japanese saw, chisels and Record router plane and only having to use the annoying noisy  "GenZ tool" (oscillatting multitool) once

Saturday, 16 December 2023

Starboard cabin side glued screwed and filleted,
detail of bunk access

Monday, 11 December 2023

 bunk access holes and framing, companionway cut and cockpit, various backing pads

We have had some rainy humid weather - virtually a month of it, and it may seem that progress has slowed but NO, lots of filleting and sanding of fillets, sanding of wood, and cutting and preparing pieces to be glued outside the hull but inside the shop once the humidity is back to normal has taken place, the little temp humidity device is excellent for keeping track of the conditions, Thank you Rosi - and in combo with the diesel air heater I can get the conditions inside the boat to 28 + degrees and humidity to + - 50 to 60 % you can see the temp tonight and humidity unheated in the boat on the meter. 

bunk access hatch supports

the" humidity hen" is not happy

heating ducting


some of the backing pads, these are for the outboard mount and chainplates


and the workshop elf visited a while ago - so I could get an idea of the space,
I fit inside the boat easily without bumping my head, but its nice to see how someone else inside it fits and looks

Wednesday, 29 November 2023

 Deck beam and combined handrail

I have been working on a combined deck strengthening beam and interior handrail that will make moving inside the boat safer and more secure while adding extra stiffness to the deck.

and in the "cargo" area there is the option to add webbing handhold straps , or use the holes as lashing points for a cargo net

also you can see the structural fillets I have made, I am really impressed with them they are really good imho even before they get a light sanding

fillets as made

and after a light sanding

 The Keel The keel was professionally welded and Zinc Coated By Joao and Vera from Serralharia Central Horta - two of the most caring, organ...